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Karen Bartgis

Homeschooling Through The Mid-Year Slump

Are you finding it hard to rev up again after the extended winter holiday break? If so, here are 5 tips to regain momentum.

Plan. Do creative and different activities which incorporate learning. Math, health, language arts and science concepts can be taught by preparing a meal together. Observing chemical reactions, measuring and spelling ingredients and creating your own healthy recipes are just a few of the ways to resist the temptation to extend the winter break.

Accountability. If you know your student needs some motivation to restart their coursework, use your parent portal to check progress on a daily basis and send gentle reminders when you see slow progress.

Encourage Yourself and Your Child. You’re doing great! Dig down deep and find what motivates both of you and add that to your homeschooling day. If math struggles are bringing you down, participate in an activity that raises your spirits.

Stay Connected. Network with other homeschooling families before and after the slump. Share your thoughts, ideas and frustrations or organize a homeschool field trip which is educational and fun! Embrace the flexibility and beauty of homeschooling by using the environment around you to stimulate learning.

Create Your Own Special Interest Course. Does your child express an interest in a subject other than what they are learning through Adirondack Learning Academy? If so, encourage research and projects in that special interest area for learning some time away from the required courses.

Essential to conquering the mid-year slump is changing your perspective so the focus is back on learning. A fresh routine and participating in fun, yet, educational activities helps break the tedium of the tasks. For some, one day of change may be enough. For others, a week or two may be necessary. The choice is yours but, whatever your choice, enjoy your refreshing outlook on learning!

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