
Adirondack Learning Academy offers the following Acellus High School classes.
Full course descriptions upon enrollment.
* One Semester
English 9
English 9 Honors
English 10
English 10 Honors
English 11
English 11 Honors
English 12
English 12 Honors
*Creative Writing
*Media Literacy
*Personal Communication
Algebra I
Algebra I Honors
Geometry Honors
Algebra II
Algebra II Honors
Mathematics I
Mathematics II
Mathematics III
Precalculus Honors
Mathematics of Personal Finance
Probability and Statistics
Bridge Math
Liberal Arts Mathematics 1
Liberal Arts Mathematics 2
Introductory Algebra
Fundamental Math
Earth Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Biology Honors
Chemistry Honors
Physics Honors
The Living Earth
Chemistry in the Earth System
Physics of the Universe
World Languages
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III
French I
French II
* One Semester
Social Studies
Geography and World Cultures
World History
World History Honors
World History to the Renaissance
Modern World History from 1450
Modern World History from 1600
World History to the Renaissance Honors
Modern World History from 1450 Honors
Modern World History from 1600 Honors
US History
US History Honors
*US History to the Civil War
*US History to the Civil War Honors
US History since the Civil War
*US Government and Politics
*US Government and Politics Honors
*Economics Honors
*Financial Literacy
Economics and Personal Finance
*Multicultural Studies
CTE and Electives included
Accounting I
Accounting II
Art Appreciation
*Business Applications
*College and Career Prep I
*College and Career Prep II
Computer and Science Essentials
*Computer Applications
Human Resources Principles
*Information Technology Applications
Introduction to Business and Technology
Legal Environment of Business
Music Appreciation
Physical Education
Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance.
Principles of Health Science
Principles of Information Technology
Additional Electives offered, please see Electives page.