As we know, homeschooling continues to rise! With it being viewed as more mainstream, the myths surrounding homeschooling are vanishing. When homeschooling used to be a choice primarily for religious families, it is now widely popular for families choosing the direction for their children’s education, student athletes, child performers, military families, families who enjoy traveling and families with children who have medical and/or mental health concerns.
For many, the topic of mental health is a very personal topic and is an uncomfortable topic as struggles with mental health carry a stigma. Mental illness is oftentimes viewed as a weakness. Our loved ones who are struggling are often characterized as being overly dramatic or difficult. Bullying is one of the top reasons for transitioning to homeschooling. Parents with school aged children may feel helpless when it comes to supporting their child’s educational success.
For parents of a child struggling with mental health issues, homeschooling is a very viable option. Not only does homeschooling take the anxiety out of learning, it provides a supportive environment in which your child can succeed. Your child can express their anxieties and concerns without the fear of feeling embarrassed. The flexibility of homeschooling lends itself to those times when your child may feel lethargic from medications or when there are medical appointments during regular school hours. The flexible schedule also allows your child to take breaks during their studies at those times when he/she may feel overwhelmed or anxious.
Homeschooling allows for more hours of sleep. Evidence has shown that sleep is
important for mental and physical wellbeing as well as better focus and work ethic
throughout the day. Less rushing in the morning to get your child out to school leads to
less anxiety and stress throughout the day.
More time outdoors and more time for homeschool field trips is another wonderful perk.
Increased physical activity and time outdoors is extremely beneficial not only for
physical health but for mental and emotional wellbeing. Movement and physical health
are components of good mental health. When we have joyful participation in the
homeschooling day, learning will take place!
With homeschooling being so popular nowadays, it is easy to find other homeschooling families in your area. This is refreshing for us as parents as well. Conversation is focused on sharing homeschooling ideas and activities as well as struggles and frustrations. Social interactions become more positive for you and your child. There is an overall feeling of ease and less of a feeling of isolation.
Are you feeling ready to join the many others who already know the wonders of homeschooling? Contact us today at (800)374-1007 to learn more about how our skilled learning coaches can help with individualized lesson plans which will support your child in building self-confidence and yielding superior academic results.